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From personal to professional growth, 1:1 sessions are tailored to help you create the successful future you desire. Read more below for more information.

Dedicated to You


People lead busy lives and often have to juggle their coaching around other commitments. This is why I aim to make myself available on a flexible basis, using technology to enable sessions without the fuss of additional travel time. Alternatively, I can arrange face to face sessions at your place of work, your home, a cafe, or another venue by arrangement (extra fees for rooms may apply). Further channels for coaching exist in email, SMS. I also offer micro sessions as additional coaching boosters

Flexible, online, or face to face - coaching at your convenience


Coaching can address a wide range of life issues

I offer my service to help with a range of issues:

  • Career-related: job change, job progression, personal career development, new role adjustment and individual performance enhancement, managing others.

  • Personal-sphere: relationship coaching (family, friends, partners), dating, managing complicated relationships, personal fulfilment, learning new skills, new past-times

  • Health: Weight loss, changing diets, exercise and other habits related to health (smoking, alcohol).

  • Financial: Saving money, generating wealth, improving income, frugal living and early retirement

  • Life stage management: Retirement, divorce, marriage, moving on from a loss

Please contact me if you wish to explore whether coaching would be useful to you.

View of Meditation Garden


Session flow

I usually start a session by reviewing what has happened since the last time we met? For a first session, I will be referring to the original coaching form you filled in, which will provide an outline of significant life goals that are setting an overall context for coaching.

  1. Each session we will work on one of your goals - It doesn't matter which of your goals you want to work on, and sometimes people work on a different goal each week or the same one. Some of the smaller goals eventually feed into a larger purpose. The point is, we will identify a goal to work on, and this will set the focus for the session.

  2. We then discuss this goal in a lot more detail. The aim of this is to determine a set of actions for you to take away from the session. These actions are designed to be achievable in a relatively short time and will have a real impact, moving you closer to achieving your ultimate aims.

  3. Some sessions may differ to this, depending on the stage of your coaching. A session on values may be less focussed on goals but more on your values and beliefs (as they impact on your goals and your ability to achieve them). A session on strength may focus on the result of a strength assessment or other diagnostic tool.

  4. Importantly each session will be linked to the achievement of your goals and will involve some commitment towards action that we agree at the end of the session. Connecting the goal with appropriate action steps by working through the different modalities (head, heart and spirit) is the primary purpose of a session - So, therefore, you should always expect to come away from a coaching session knowing what you are going to do next! (except where we have agreed there is no specific action for you to take.


Session 1

The client wants to focus on financial goals - being more secure

  1. The session explores the current context and why this has become an issue for them now (client is continuously feeling stressed by going overdrawn)

  2. We set a target for what they want to achieve in the short-term )not to be overdrawn every month)

  3. We identify and evaluate the different things the client has done in the past and what they could do to progress their situation (save more, avoid spending, setting a budget)

  4. The client reviews all the options they have (including reinstating things they have done in the past)

  5. The client identifies that they may have untapped opportunity to earn more money 

  6. Following an exploration of options, the client decides they want to work on actions that get them to get a payrise and some overtime in the short term while also looking at possibilities of looking for a new job.

An action plan is designed to do the following:

1. Discuss job role and salary with boss including the possibility of doing a little overtime for the next few months before the next session.

2. Explore possible job move for a job with a better salary by looking at available jobs and making some applications

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