Integrity, Confidentiality and Competence
A code of ethics governs the way in which professionals practice.
As a therapist I adhere to the ethics code of my training provider, NCHP (The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy) and the NSTT (National Society of Talking Therapies), reflecting the UKCP ethics code on which these are based.
The code is found here:
The National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
National Society of Talking Therapies
and here:
If you are unhappy with my treatment of you, you can write to the NSTT.
You will be given a copy of the ethics code if and when we decide to work together before we have our first full session. The code I practice under ensures that our work is safe and confidential, that you are treated with dignity and respect of your autonomy as a person, and where I act in the best Interests of my clients.
The code also covers professionalism, communication and consent, records and confidentiality, professional knowledge, skills and experience, social responsibility, trust and confidence.
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